Inviting Heavenly Guests into the Sukkah
On Sukkot, we dare to imagine the work of creating Heaven in
us and around us. We bring food into the sukkah for those in material need so
that our holy ancestors will offer us spiritual food, which we need to
transform ourselves and our world. Let us make room in our hearts for the
USH-PEE-ZEEN and the USH-PEE-ZOT, for the holy men and women who have gone
before us.
Let us invite Abraham and Sarah (first day) into the sukkah:
AV-RA-HAM (everyone calls out AV-RA-HAM)
SA-RA (everyone calls out SA-RA)
Welcome! With your help, may our ability to love increase
Let us invite Isaac and Miriam (second day):
YEETZ-CHACH (everyone calls out YEETZ-CHACH)
MEER-YAM (everyone calls out MEER-YAM)
Welcome! With your help, may we bring self-discipline to all
we do
Let us invite Jacob and Deborah (third day):
YA-A-COV (everyone calls out YA-A-COV)
D-VO-RA (everyone calls out D-VO-RA)
Welcome! May we see beauty in ourselves and others (S-FEE-RA:
TEEF-E-RET). We especially honor you on this night.
Let us invite Moses and Hannah (fourth day):
MO-SHE (everyone calls out MO-SHE)
CHA-NA (everyone calls out CHA-NA)
Welcome! With your help, may we endure in the face of
Let us invite Aaron and Abigail (fifth day):
A-HA-RON (everyone calls out A-HA-RON)
A-VEE-GA-YEEL (everyone calls out A-VEE-GA-YEEL)
Welcome! With your help, may we be ever humble (S-FEE-RA:
Let us invite Joseph and Huldah (sixth day):
YO-SEF (everyone calls out YO-SEF)
CHUL-DA (everyone calls out CHUL-DA)
Welcome! With your help, may we connect to others (S-FEE-RA:
Let us invite David and Esther (seventh day):
DA-VEED (everyone calls out DA-VEED
ES-TAYR (everyone calls out ES-TAYR)
Welcome! With your help, may we show courageous leadership