Most Christians insist that the Divine, in Jesus, walked the
face of the earth for the first and last time (barring his Second Coming). As a
result, countless people find themselves oblivious to other avenues
of Divine manifestation--both ancient and current--or reluctant to explore
those avenues, preferring the pains of spiritual poverty to charges of spiritual
This claim, which continues to have a dangerous, dark,
and perverse effect on our collective consciousness, arose, in part, from Jesus’
own words:
“‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me.’” (John 14:6, RSV)
To understand this statement, we must look at what Jesus said
“‘In my Father’s house there are many dwelling-places. If it were
not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?’” (John
14:2, RSV)
I hear Jesus saying, “I know my Father’s house. It’s a big house
with a lot of rooms, and I got one ready for you. I know how to get in, you
don’t. So, listen up! If you want to get inside, you have to stick close to me.
Just do what I do.”
Let’s liken Jesus to a forest guide, and the meaning of his words will
become even clearer. If you’re trying to reach a particular open space within a
forest, do you continue on without a guide, do you follow a guide who’s knowledgeable
about another open space, or do you follow the guide in front of you who knows
the way to your chosen destination?
May Jesus the Guide and those who follow him be blessed. May all
Guides be blessed. May all those who have undertaken the journey home be